
Dau Coroana!!
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Dau CoroanaVă Rog Este Foarte UrgentContinuați Textul Spuneți Ce Se Întâmplă Mai Departe Cine Este Băiatul De Ce Este În TorontoFolosiți Ajective Adverbe Clauze class=

Răspuns :

-Canada?! He was in shock!
-Where are you from?Emily asked.
-I am from London,England.
-How did you get here?
-I don’t know!Minutes ago I was playing with my friends in an abandoned building when we came across a very strange thing.It was like a box,big enough to fit a person,with some weird squares on it,with numbers.
I was really curious ,so I got in it,my friends started pressing the numbers,then there was a big noise and I woke up here.
Jessica started laughing.
-Is this a prank?Do you expect us to believe you teleported from another country.
-What do you mean “teleported”?I don’t know what’s going on.And why are your clothes so weird?Is this normal in your country?
-What do you mean weird?Our clothes are very normal.Yours on the other hand,not so much.They look like my grandfather’s from when he was young. Is it a costume?Are you an actor?
-No ,I am not.I work in a bakery.These are my good clothes.
-Good?In what year,Emily asked jokingly.
-In 1963,of course.
The girls were stunned.
-1963?!?They both asked
The boy didn’t have a chance to answer,because out of nowhere a big box appeared and he went right in it.Seconds later it had disappeared the same way.
The girls didn’t know what to believe,but they knew that no one would ever believe this story,so they decided to keep it a secret.