Răspuns :
You like to be a different to everyone else. You enjoy your own company. You are artistic and creative. You like having lots of hobbies - a different one every day ! You get bored quickly and like constant change. Snakes are quite unusual pets , but , because they don't move very often in cold weather , you would probably find them boring . A beautiful , colourful parrot would be a good choice for your artistic personality . However , the perfect pet for you is a cat . Cats are like you . They are independent, think for themselves and are happy alone .
In this world ,there are a lot of people that they consider themself perfect. Well, I do not consider myself perfect. I consider myself far from perfect. And so what if I'm not perfect? You know, being perfect is imperfect ,but being imperfect is perfect. So ,because I'm imperfect,that makes me perfect. Like that you should consider you too. Everybody has flaws. Nobody is flawless. So, if you have flaws, you are perfect. Don't change your body or face or anything to you because you have some flaws. God let you that way and He knew why did He did that. He is the only one without flaws. So, don't worry about your flaws. With your flaws ,you are perfect. Remember that. (In aceasta lume, sunt foarte multi oameni care se considera perfecti.Ei bine, eu nu ma consider perfecta. Eu ma consider departe de perfectiune.Si ce daca nu sunt perfecta? Stii, fiind perfecta este imperfect, dar fiind imperfecta este perfect. Deci, fiindca sunt imperfecta, asta ma face perfecta. Asa ar trebui sa te consideri si tu. Toata lumea are defecte. Nimeni nu este fara defect. Asadar, daca tu ai defecte,tu esti perfect. Nu-ti schimba corpul sau fata sau orice ,fiindca ai cateva defecte. Dumnezeu te-a lasat asa si El a stiut de ce a facut asta. El este singurul fara defecte. Deci, nu te ingrijora de defectele tale. Cu defectele tale, tu esti perfect. Sa iti amintesti asta.)