Buna! Vreau sa stiu daca era un text dupa ce trebuia sa urmarim raspunsurile!
- Care e numele fetei?
- Unde se duce?
- Cum era vremea?
- Se ducea rapid?
- Ce a facut pisica?
- Fata șia stricat bicicleta?
- Cine a văzut-o dupa accident?
- Ce au facut ca sa o ajute?
- Ce crezi ca s-a întâmplat dupa?
- The girls name is ____(numele fetei)
- The girl was going to ____(numele locatiei)
- The weather was rainy
- Yes, the was going fast
- The cat made the girl fall
- The girl crashed her bike because of the cat and the bad weather
- After the accident a boy and a girl saw her
- They took her to a ___(bench cred adica banca nu prea imi dau seama) and called (her parents /an ambulance)
Next the girl thanked to the strangers that helped her (sau scrii ce vrei)