Răspuns :
Vara trecuta am plecat in tabara.Era ceva nou pentru mine pentru ca debea ma mutasem in cartier.Nu aveam prieteni dar imi doream sa am.Ajunsa in tabara despachetez si ies sa alerg. Ma intorc si sefa din tabara fetelor incepuse antrenamentul pentru concursul de volei cu scoala rivala. Trebuia sa ne cataram si o fata simpla alunecand a cazut. Eu m-am repezit prima la ea si luand o saltea o arunc sub ea si o salvez. Ea imi multumeste si propune sa fim prietene am devenit bune prietene si chiar am aflat ca ea este in acelasi cartier cu mine . A fost o bucurie sa am o prietena care acum imi este alaturi.
Vedeti cum se fac prieteniile din banale fapte si jocuri dar o data infaptuite ele rezista pana la moarte.... Sper sa-ti placa
Vedeti cum se fac prieteniile din banale fapte si jocuri dar o data infaptuite ele rezista pana la moarte.... Sper sa-ti placa
Last summer I went in a camp vacantion where people from all over the world were comming.
I made alot of friends because they were really friendly and I could easily get to know them.
We played alot of games together, we were divided by our nationalities in teams in contests, but of course, at the end of the contest we were all friend no matter who won because that's what fair- play means.
I've got to know a really nice girl from Sweden who I'm still keeping in touch with her. We met at the play-ground, she forgot her toys and I invited her to come join me.
So we played together and we got to say things about each other and now we are really good friends.
Daca ai nevoie de traducere, imi spui. In mare parte ti-am expus o vacanta de vara petrecuta intr-o tabara unde copii din toata lumea veneau si ai ajuns sa te imprietenesti foarte tare, dar mai ales cu o fata din Suedia care isi uitase jucariile, iar tu ai invitat-o sa va jucati impreuna, prilej prin care ati ajuns sa va cunoasteti si sa ramaneti foarte buni prieteni.
I made alot of friends because they were really friendly and I could easily get to know them.
We played alot of games together, we were divided by our nationalities in teams in contests, but of course, at the end of the contest we were all friend no matter who won because that's what fair- play means.
I've got to know a really nice girl from Sweden who I'm still keeping in touch with her. We met at the play-ground, she forgot her toys and I invited her to come join me.
So we played together and we got to say things about each other and now we are really good friends.
Daca ai nevoie de traducere, imi spui. In mare parte ti-am expus o vacanta de vara petrecuta intr-o tabara unde copii din toata lumea veneau si ai ajuns sa te imprietenesti foarte tare, dar mai ales cu o fata din Suedia care isi uitase jucariile, iar tu ai invitat-o sa va jucati impreuna, prilej prin care ati ajuns sa va cunoasteti si sa ramaneti foarte buni prieteni.