
Vă rog să mă ajutați dau coroană și 28 de puncte...

1) Ann is on holiday. You have to write scentences about her holiday. Wath is she doing?
•reat a book
•visit museums
•watch T. V
• go shopping
•write postcards

2)Answer the fallowing questions:
Do your parents like pets?
Have you got any pet?
Are hamsters casy to keep?
What are you doing now?
Do you go to school in the afternoon ?
What in your father doing now?
What food do you like?
Do you have a friend?
Is your father a doctor?
What is your teacher doing now?

3) Write about your usual program .

Vă rog toate trei exerciții! Îmi trebuie pe azi! Mulțumesc ! ❤​

Răspuns :


1.Ann is on holiday she write postcards for her friends and when she is bored she read books and watching TV. She love so much to go with her family to go shopping.

2.Yes, my parent love pets.

Yes, I have a dog. (If you don't have you write no)

No, I go in the morning at 8 a.m.(If you go to school in the afternoon you write yes)

My dad is still working right now.

I like so much spaghetti. (If you don't like spaghetti you will write another food)

Yes, my best friend is............ (you put your best friend name)

No, is an IT engineer.

My teacher is preparing my homework now.

3. I wake in the morning morning at 7 a.m.

I eat my breakfast.

I dress up.

After I go to school.

I come to home after school.

I eat the lunch.

I do my homework.

I do a shower.

I read a book

And after I'm sleeping.

You're welcome!