Răspuns :
Hi there!
Cerinta: Complete the sentences using the causative have and one of these verbs: change , install , repair , cut down , redecorate , check.
Completeaza propozitiile folosind cauzativul "have" si unul din verbele urmatoare:change , install , repair , cut down , redecorate , check.
I. 1 A: Your kitchen looks nice. B: Thanks. We've just had it redecorated.
2 A: Where's your big fir tree? B: We had it cut down yesterday.
3 A: Oh , no ! I've lost the keys to my flat! B: You'd better have the front door changed .
4 A: What's that man doing in the hall? B: We're having a new telephone line installed .
5 A: What's happened to the fax machine? B: It's out of order. We're going to have it repaired .
II. Cerinta: Rewrite the sentences with "I wish" or "If only" .
Rescrie propozitiile urmatoare cu "I wish" sau "If only"
1. I went to the match.It was rubbish. (I wish )
I wish I hadn`t gone to that match.
2. It's a pity we didn't take our video camera. ( If only )
If only we had taken our video camera.
3. Why on earth didn't they write to us? (If only )
If only they had written to us.
4. I lent her my camera. I regret it now. ( I wish)
I wish I hadn`t lent her my camera.
5. I'm sorry she resigned from her job. ( I wish )
I wish she hadn`t resigned from her job.
6. What a shame you spent all the money! (If only )
If only you hadn`t spent all the money.
Folosim verbul cauzativ ‘Have” pentru a vorbi despre o situatie in care cineva face ceva pentru noi.
Mod de formare:
Subject+have + object + past participle
Ex. He had his hair cut. -Si-a tuns parul. ( Nu a facut asta singur, a mers la frizer)
We had our house painted.- Ne-am zugravit casa. ( Nu am facut asta singuri, au facut-o zugravii.)
Folosim “wish” si “if only”pentru a vorbi despre dorinte sau regrete din present, trecut sau viitor, situatii pe care le-am dori diferite. “If only” este mai puternic decat “wish”
➤Atunci cand vorbim despre dorinte din prezent sau viitor, folosim
Ex. I wish I had better result at school.- As vrea sa am rezultate mai bune la scoala. (dar nu am)
If only I knew what to do.- Ce bine-ar fi sa stiu ce sa fac. (dar nu stiu)
➤Atunci cand este vorba despre un regret sau o situatie din trecut care am vrea sa fi fost diferita, folosim
EX. I wish I hadn`t failed the exam. As vrea sa nu fi picat examenul. (dar l-am picat)
If only I had studied harder when I was in school.-Ce bine-ar fi fost daca as fi invatat mai mult cand eram in scoala. (dar n-am facut-o).