Răspuns :
1 Cand profesorul a intrat in clasa, elevii faceau gălăgie
1 When the teacher entered the classroom the students were making noise.
2 Ma uitam la televizor, când mama m-a trimis la magazin
2 I was watching TV when my mother sent me to the market.
3 Acum doua zile el învața poezia.
3 Two days ago he was learning the poem.
4 Mama lui gătea in timp ce el se juca fotbal
4His mother was cooking while he was playing football.
5 Nu imi cautam fratele, ma jucam de-a v-ati-ascunselea
5 I wasn't looking for my brother; I was playing hide and seek.
6 Se uitau la un film de gtoaza cand ai ajuns la ei acasa?
6Were they watching that scary movie when you arrived at their house?
7 Nu,ei urmareau un reality show.
7 No, they were watching a reality show.
8 Noi nu citeam lectia când ne a vazut profesorul
8We weren't reading our lesson when our teacher saw us.
9Tu mergeai la magazin cand te am întâlnit
9 You were going to the market when I met you.
10 Eu imi asteptam bunicul, cand sora mea a ajuns acasa
10 I was waiting to my grandfather while my sister arrived home