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Va roog ajutatima si va voi da multe puncte as dori un text despre vacanta de iarna dar nu ce am facut in ea ci sa fie ceva inventat dar nu exagerat si sa fie cam doar de 10-12 randuri plz. VA ROOOOOG.​

Răspuns :

It is a beautiful day of winter,where the snowflakes are slowly falling from the sky full of fluffy clouds and children what are playing with snow.They are making snowmen and fight with snow balls and having a lot of fun together.People decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas ornaments to look beautiful for the holidays.

Este o zi frumoasa de iarna,unde fulgii de zapada cad lin din cerul plin de nori pufosi si copii ce se joaca cu zapada.Ei fac oameni de zapada si se bat cu bulgari de zapada si distrandu-se minunat impreuna.Oamenii isi decoreaza casele si gradinile cu ornamente de Craciun ca sa arate frumos de sarbatori.