a fost răspuns

vreau 6 propozitii la past simple, cu terminația ed va rog din suflet ​

Răspuns :


1. I liked going there. ( Mi-a plucut sa merg acolo.)

2.He ended his homework.( El si-a terminat tema.)

3.I fished yesterday.( Am pescuit ieri)

4.She jumped the rope.( A sarit coarda)

5.We invited Jack at the our party. ( L-am invitat pe Jack la petrecerea noastra.)

6.You impressed the coach. ( Ai impresionat antrenorul)

Succes la engleza!


1. The cat jumped out the window - pisica a sarit afara de pe fereastra

2. She smiled at him and said goodnight. - ea i-a zambit lui si i-a spus noapte buna.

3. The dog barked at him. - cainele a latrat la el

4. Mom baked a cake. - mama a facut un tort

5. She watched TV all night. - ea s-a uitat la TV toata noaptea

6. He played football with his little brother. - el s-a just fotbal cu fratiorul lui