I was going to the airport when I realized something. My passport wasn't in my pocket. I ran to the nearest cop and I told him:
-Sir, I lost something
- What was it?
-My passport
- When did it happen? Where did you lost it?
-I don't know, I checked my pocket and it wasn't here
- What did you do? Try to remember where you saw your passport last time
- I think I saw it in my car.. I sould go and check.
I ran to my car and I found it on the right seat. I felt so good cuz i found it. I called my mom to tell her what happened.
-Mom, guess what. I lost my passport.
-What did you do??
-Don't worry.
-Did you find it? If so, where and when?
-Yes, I found it. It was on the right seat, I just picked it and now I'm going to catch the plane.
-How did you feel when you saw that it miss?
-I thought I'll miss the fly to Korea. I said smiling