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Succes! Sper să fie bine.
1. PPS I have just forgiven George for the previous mistake.
just - cere present perfect in engleza britanica (just / yet / already / recently.)
2. PPS We've known Dan and his wife for 17 years.
(actiune de durata: since 2010/since July,
for ten years/ for three days. present perfect )
3. PPC I have been decorating this house for a few months.
(actiune prelungita obisnuita repetitiva in trecut, vedem rezultatele in prezent)
+ I have decorated this house for a few months. PPC
(Yes, I have, I've finished and now I am doing something else -present perfect )
4.PPC Until now we have been going to the Neptune beach.
(un obicei, mergeam in trecut, actiune care s-a terminat recent, present perfect continuous)
5.PPS Paris has already convinced his trainer to come for supper.
(already cere presen (sau past) perfect)
6.PPC I have been taking these cough pills lately.
(actiune repetata, prelungita, de obicei, present perfect continuous... and now I am perhaps still taking them, feeling better because of that)
+PPS I have taken these cough pills lately.
(daca actiunea s-a terminat, ...acum nu le mai iau --present perfect simple)
7. He hasn't broken the kitchen window, yet. PPC
yet cere present perfect
8. PPC I have been facing very serious problems lately.
(actiune prelungita, repetitiva, vedem efectele in prezent, ... maybe I am facing them still, iar acum sunt foarte obosit.)
+ PPS I have faced very serious problems lately.
(daca actiunea s-a terminat... but I am quite happy now.)
9. PPS They've cut six slices of bread and placed them on the plate.
10. PPS Mrs. Travis has never travelled by a helicopter before.
never/ always, present perfect - la fel orice descrie o experiență de viață.