1. Avantages: you cand put there what is your mind
Disavantages: someone can look in your diary
2.avantages: you can remind all your things
Disavantages: someone can see what you do in that day
3. (Nu prea stiu este ca la 2 dar mai schimba cuvintele)
4.avantages: you can learn from there
Disavantages: you can loose it
5.avantages: you can search when is the birthday of someone
Disavantages: is a little hard to search
6. Avantages: you see the time
Disavantages: it can be broke
7.(nu stiu ce este)
8. Avantages : you can learn good things from the cell phone
Disavantages: if you will use it in the night youre eyes will be distroid