
URGENT! Traducerea textului Robin Hood and the Black Cloak.Dau 30 de puncte+coroana!!ROBIN HOOD AND THE BLACK CLOAK In the years of King Richard the Lion heart, there lived a brave and intelligent man called Robin Hood. He was a feared outlaw, who loved liberty and hated oppression. He took the law into his own hands and robbed the rich to give to the poor. People who loved him and thought of him as a justice- maker. He wasn’t alone, he used to have companions who lived in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham. They were called the ‘merry men’ and used to wear green clothes, a particular shade of green, called ‘Lincoln green’. The story goes that, one day the Sheriff’s men caught Will Scarlet, one of Robin Hood’s outlaws, and took him to the Sheriff of Nottingham. ‘We’ve caught one of Robin Hood’s men,’ said one of them. The Sheriff, who was green with envy because all the people loved Robin Hood, said “Take him to the gallows in the market square tomorrow! Let people see what happens to Robin Hood’s companions!” When Robin Hood heard the news, thought a plan to rescue his friend,’ we must save him before it is too late’ he sai d. On their way to Nottingham, they saw an old man in a dirty black cloak. Robin asked him, any news from Nottingham?. “The news is sad, my Lord”, the old man said. “They are going to hang two prisoners tomorrow, at twelve o’clock”. Wait! Said Robin. Will you sell me your cloak? The old man couldn’t believe his ears. ‘This dirty old thing? Well, you can have it for a pound!’ ‘Thanks,’ said Robin and put on the cloak and gave the old man. At twelve o’clock the market square was full of people. Two men with ropes round their hands stood under the gallows. Their faces were white with fear. The Sheriff was there with twelve men. ‘Only the hangman!’ he shouted. Well? Doesn’t anybody here want to do the job? For five pounds? - For ten pounds? Nobody answered. Then an old man in a black cloak came forward and said. ‘I can do the job all right.’ At once there were angry shouts from the crowd. Hurry up, man! Shouted the Sheriff. ‘What are you doing?’ the old man untightened the ropes round the two prisoners’ hands. Then he threw off his black cloak and he turned out to be Robin Hood, dressed in his green clothes with his bow in his hand.

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Vezi imaginea Dumi2003
In anii de domnie a Regelui Richard Inima de Leu, traia un barbat inteligent si curajos numit Robin Hood. Nu-i era frica de legi, iubea libertatea si ura asupririle. El lua legea in propriile maine, si fura de la cei bogati pentru a da celor saraci. Oameniii care-l iubeau, credeau in el ca un facator de lege. El nu era singur, de obicei avea insotitori care locuiau in Padurea Sherwood, langa Nottingham. Ei erau numiti "Oamenii veseli ", si obisnuiau sa poarte haine verzi, intr-o nunata speciala de Verde Lincon ( nu are traducere). 
Povestea duce la faptul ca intr-o zi, oamenii sherifului l-au prins pe Will Scarlet, unul din insotitorii lui Robin Hood, si l-au dus la Sheriful din Nottingham. 
" Noi am prins unul din oamenii lui Robin Hood" a spus unul dintre ei. Sheriful, care era verde de invidie, pentru ca toti oamenii il iubeau pe Robin Hood, a spus " Du-l la spanzuratoare in scuarul pietei maine ! Lasa oamenii sa vada ce se intampla cu Robin Hood, si cu oamenii lui " 
Cand Robin Hood a auzit vestile, s-a gandit la un plan pentru a-si salva prietenul. " Noi trebuie sa-l savam inainte sa fie prea tarziu" a spus el. 
In drumul lor catre Nottinghman, ei au vazut un om batran intr-o mantie neagra murdara. 
Robin l-a intrebat " Ceva noutati din Nottingham ? 
" Vestile sunt triste, domanul meu "  a spus omul batran. "Ei vor spanzura doi prizoneri maine, la ora 12. " 
Asteapta - a spus Robin. Imi vinzi mie mantia ta ? 
Batranul nu putea crede. " Acest lucru vechi si murdar ? Il poti avea pentru un pound. " Multumesc a spus Robin, si si-a pus mantia. 
La ora 12 scuarul pietei era plin cu oameni. Doi oameni cu franghii in jurul mainiloe stateau sub spanzuratoare. Fetele lor erau albe de frica. Sheriful era acolo cu 12 oameni. Doar calaul- a spus el. Deci ? Cineva de aici vrea sa faca acest lucru ? Pentru 5 pounds  ? Pentru 10 ? 
Nimeni n-a raspuns. Atunci, un barbat batran in mantie neagra, a venit mai aporape si a spus : Pot sa fac eu asta foarte bine. In acelasi timp se auzeau tipete furioase din multime. Grabestete omule ! 
Ce faci?  a strigat Sheriful. 
Omul batran a desfacut franghiile din mainile prizonerilor. Si a aruncat mantia neagra, si s-a dovedit ca el e Robin Hood, imbracat in hainele lui verzi, cu arcul in maina.