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My activitis after scool in 10 sentences.-compunere

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I finish school at twelve o clock. I go home, were I have lunch with my family.
I like to sleep one hour after meal, because i feel tired.
At 14 o clock I start my homework for the next day. Usually I spend five hours with my homework. In the evening , I go for a ride with my friend Alice. We walk on the street, and talk about many things. After that, at seven o clock in the evening, i have dinner with my family. We make plans for the next day and talk about our problems .Sometimes I read a few pages befor I go to sleep.
This is a ordinary day in my life.

My activites after school)Activităţile mele după şcoală Având în vedere că eşti fată compuneera sună cam aşa: Every day when classes end, after i do my homeworks i like to go outsite and stay whit my friends. We are talking about boys, about the day who pass and more interesting subjects. After that i like to listen music and play on computer or talk whit my friends from outbroad on videochat. At 6:00-7:00 p.m i to wach at TV indian serials or when their not at TV i like to go at my bestfriend who is my neighbor and talk whit her about any kind of subjects. Traducere: În fiecare zi când orele se termină, după ce îmi termin temele îmi place să merg afară şi să stau cu prietenele mele. Vorbim despre băieţi, despre ziua care a trecut şi multe alte subiecte interesante. După aceea îmi place să ascult muzică şi să mă joc pe calculator sau să vorbesc cu prietenii mei din străinătate pe videochat. At 6:00-7:00 dupămasa mă uit la seriale indiane iar când nu sunt la televizor îmi place să merg la cea mai bună prietenă a mea care este chiar vecina mea cu care vorbesc despre tot felul de subiecte. Sper că te-am ajutat! :)