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Stimate domnule procuror general,

Va adresez aceasta scrisoare de intentie pentru a-mi exprima dorinta de a aplica la un anunt publicat pe situ-l Ministerului Public pentru postul de procuror criminalist in cadrul Parchetului de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie.
Am o experienta de peste 5 ani in acest domeniu, dintre care ultimii 2 ani in cadrul Directiei Nationale Anticoruptie pe postul de procuror la Sectia judiciara penala, unde am fost responsabil printre altele cu :efectuarea actelor de urmarire penala,participarea la solutionarea conflictelor prin mijloace alternative,supravegherea activitatii de cercetare penala , controlarea activitatilor a altor organe de cercetare penala,solutionarea cauzelor prin ordonanata asupra actelor si masurilor procesuale ,sesizarea judecatorului de drepturi si libertati si instanta de judecata, incheierea acordului de recunoastere a vinovatiei,efectuarea demersurilor necesare in ceea ce priveste autorizarea unor masuri sau actiuni procesuale , cum ar fi perchezitia,interceptarea convorbirilor telefonice, intocmirea rechizitoriului pentru trimiterea cauzei penale in judecata sau, dupa caz, clasarea acesteia
Consider ca notiunile mele solide de drept civil si penal, aprofundate prin absolvirea Institutului National al Magistarturii, dar si prin cursuri de perfectionare (Problematici actuale ale dreptului penal – septembrie 2015), precum si nivelul avansat de cunoastere a limbii engleze pentru juristi si de operare a calculatorului ma recomanda pentru un loc in echipa dvs.
Urmarind activitatile derulate de Parchetul de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, am constatat cu satisfactie ca profilul si realizarile acesteia corespund pe deplin aspiratiilor mele profesionale. Doresc sa imi dezvolt competentele profesionale prin implicarea pe termen lung in proiectele societatii dvs. si va rog sa luati in considerare CV-ul meu pentru un interviu.
Va stau la dispozitie pentru urmatoarele etape ale procesului de recrutare.
Va multumesc,

Răspuns :

Dear general prosecutor,       I would like to address this letter of intent to express my wish to apply to an announcement published on the spot by the Public Ministry for the post of criminal prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice. I have more than 5 years of experience in this field, including the last two years in the National Anticorruption Directorate as prosecutor at the Criminal Justice Section, where I was responsible, among other things, for: conducting criminal prosecution, participating in solving conflicts by means alternatives, the supervision of the criminal investigation activity, the control of the activities of other criminal investigating bodies, the settlement of the cases through the ordering of the procedural acts and measures, the notification of the judge of rights and liberties and the court, the conclusion of the agreement on the recognition of the guilt, regarding the authorization of certain procedural measures or actions, such as search, interception of telephone conversations, drawing up the indictment for sending the criminal case to court or, as the case may be, I consider my strong notions of civil and criminal law, deepened by graduating from the National Institute of Magistartry, but also through advanced training courses (Current Issues of Criminal Law - September 2015), as well as the advanced level of English for Lawyers and Operations the computer recommends me for a place on your team Following the activities of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, I found with satisfaction that her profile and achievements fully correspond to my professional aspirations. I want to develop my professional skills by engaging in long-term projects in your company and please consider my CV for an interview. I will be available for the next stages of the recruitment process.