Răspuns :
Pe strada mea se afla o casa iesita din comun. Are o culoare sobra, si pare foarte stranie. Eu si cativa prieteni ne-am hotarat ca intr-o seara sa mergem in acea casa pe care noi o credeam parasita sa vedem ce nu e in regula cu aceasta.Am intrat in casa, unde, era foarte frig si intuneric. Dintr-o data, s-au aprins luminile. Am tipat cu toii crezand ca o fantoma a facut asta.Insa, din umbra, inainteaza o femeie normala care ne intreaba ce vrem.Apoi realizam si noi ca acea casa nu era asa rea, camerele erau vopsite in culori vii si arata a casa normala. I-am explicat acelei doamne totul si ea s-a dovedit a fi foarte buna si intelegatoare cu noi.Prin urmare, dese ori aparentele inseala.
On my street there is a house out of the ordinary. It has a sober color, and looks very strange. I and a few of our friends decided that one evening we would go to that house that we thought was left to see what was wrong with it. I entered the house, where it was very cold and dark. Suddenly, the lights went on. I screamed with everyone thinking that a ghost did that. But, out of the shadows, a normal woman asks us what we want. Then we realized that the house was not that bad, the rooms were painted in vivid colors and looked like a normal house. I explained everything to that lady and she turned out to be very good and understanding with us. Therefore, often the appearance cheat.
Sper ca am ajutat!
On my street there is a house out of the ordinary. It has a sober color, and looks very strange. I and a few of our friends decided that one evening we would go to that house that we thought was left to see what was wrong with it. I entered the house, where it was very cold and dark. Suddenly, the lights went on. I screamed with everyone thinking that a ghost did that. But, out of the shadows, a normal woman asks us what we want. Then we realized that the house was not that bad, the rooms were painted in vivid colors and looked like a normal house. I explained everything to that lady and she turned out to be very good and understanding with us. Therefore, often the appearance cheat.
Sper ca am ajutat!