Răspuns :
-E o meserie frumoasa, ce implica dedicare.
-Cunosti persoane noi, pe care le ajuti.
-Nu implica munca fizica, prin faptul ca lucrezi la birou, si asta fiind un avantaj.
-Meseria e considerata una foarte buna de catre majoritatea persoanelor.
-E o meserie lejera, avand concediu destul de mult.
-Trebuie stii cand sa refuzi un caz, mai exact atunci cand persoana respectiva e vinovata.
-Unele cazuri pot fi prea lungi.
-Apar persoane nemultumite.
-Trebuie sa stii toate legile.
-Trebuie sa inveti foarte bine la scoala pana a ajunge la aceasta meserie.
-It's a beautiful job that involves dedication.
- You know new people you help.
Do not involve physical work by working in the office, and this is an advantage.
-Message is considered a great one by most people.
-It's a fair job, with a lot of leave.
-You must know when to refuse a case, more precisely when the person is guilty.
Some cases may be too long.
-Does unhappy people.
-You must know all the laws.
-You have to learn very well at school until you reach this job.
-E o meserie frumoasa, ce implica dedicare.
-Cunosti persoane noi, pe care le ajuti.
-Nu implica munca fizica, prin faptul ca lucrezi la birou, si asta fiind un avantaj.
-Meseria e considerata una foarte buna de catre majoritatea persoanelor.
-E o meserie lejera, avand concediu destul de mult.
-Trebuie stii cand sa refuzi un caz, mai exact atunci cand persoana respectiva e vinovata.
-Unele cazuri pot fi prea lungi.
-Apar persoane nemultumite.
-Trebuie sa stii toate legile.
-Trebuie sa inveti foarte bine la scoala pana a ajunge la aceasta meserie.
-It's a beautiful job that involves dedication.
- You know new people you help.
Do not involve physical work by working in the office, and this is an advantage.
-Message is considered a great one by most people.
-It's a fair job, with a lot of leave.
-You must know when to refuse a case, more precisely when the person is guilty.
Some cases may be too long.
-Does unhappy people.
-You must know all the laws.
-You have to learn very well at school until you reach this job.