
Imi trebuie urgent traducerea compunerii De mai jos in engleza:
O zi din vista mea incepe cam asa , ma trezesc ,imi fac igiena mananc , dupa ma duc si imi aleg hainele pentru o zi De scoala obisnuita ,adica ceva simplu.Ajung la scoala si imi intalnesc prietenii,atunci incepe distractia ,dar nu totul se rezuma la distractie ,doar e scoala . Zilele mele preferate din saptamana sunt joi si vineri ,am ore destul de usoare cu profesori foarte tari.Dupa ce se termina orele ,merg acasa unde ca de obicei ma asteapta mama.
Cam asta se petrece intr.o zi de-a mea obișnuita .
Va rog cat de repede sa imi raspundeti ,am nevoie urgent !!

Răspuns :

One day in my trip starts like that, I wake up, I make my hygiene eat, I go and I choose my clothes for a day. From ordinary school, that's simple. I go to school and meet my friends, then the fun begins, but not everything It's about fun, it's just school. My favorite weekdays are Thursday and Friday, I have fairly easy classes with very tough teachers. After the hours are over, I go home where my mother is expecting me.
That's what happens in my usual day.
 Mult succes!

My day starts when I wake up. Then I eat and I choose my clotches for school, something simple. Then I go to school and I meet my friends. And here the fun starts! But is not just fun, it is school right? My favourite weekdays are Thursday and Friday, because I have easy cours hours whit cool teachers. After school, I go home, where my mum is usualy waiting for me.
This is a normal day for me.