
De tradus : Wong is a very special fisherman. He fishes generations of his family have always done in this part China. Most of his life is spent on the water. He lives on a houseboat with his young grandson, rocked by the rise and fall of the tides. You may think he sounds like fishermen all over the world, but this old man uses birds catch fish for him When Wong sets off to fish, he takes no fishing nets or lines with him. Instead ten or twelve cormorants perch on the side of his little raft. They cling on desperately as it battles its way through fast-flowing Water.

Răspuns :

Wong e un pescar cu adevarat special.De generatii familia lui pescuieste in partea asta a Chinei.Cea mai mare parte din viata lui este petrecuta pe apa.Traieste pe o barca împreună cu nepotul său zguduit de cresterea su scaderea mareelor.Ai putea crede ca e la fel ca toti ceilalti pescari din lume, dar acest bătrân foloseste păsări care prind pestii pentru el.Cand Wong se pregateste de pescuit , nu foloseste nici gute si nici carlige cu el.In schimb , ia cu el zece-douăsprezece cormorani pe pluta lui micuța.Ei se agata cu disperare ca si cum ar purta o batalie cu apa rapid curgătoare.

(Cred ca nu ai scris bine unele cuvinte si... Am dedus logic ce trebuia sa scrie de fapt )~ sper ca te-am ajutat!