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Treaducerea acestiu text va rog!!!But when Kelvin’s mother, Dawn heard the news, she was worried . as soon as I heard he had won the jackpot, I cried. Don’t get me wrong , I don’t want him to give the monkey back! But it’s easier to manage a smaller sum. I’m frightened that people are going to take advantage of him.
His teacher at school was also slightly worried, Of course I’m pleased for kelvin but i don’t think it’s right that one person should be able to win such large sum of money. It seems a bit immoral somehow. Kelvin is starting to adapt to his new life. He can now afford to see his favourite footbal team, Rangers, play at home whenever he wants to. In fact he’s planning to buy him self an exclusive executive box at ground costing a cool $30.000 he has also given a large sum of money to his father who has had to give up work because of illlness.
However, the lottery win has also brought its own problems. Since winning teh money, kelvin has received a pile of begging letters and phone calls from wannabe girlfriends. There are days when I wish everything was back to normal , says Kelvin. Of course I like having the money but things willl never be the same again

Răspuns :

Dar cand mama lui Kelvin,Dawn a auzit stirile/noutatile, ea a fost ingrijorata: imediat ce am auzit ca el a castigat jackpot-ul am plans. Nu intelegeti gresit, nu vreau ca el sa dea banii inapoi! Dar este mai usor sa administrezi o suma mai mica. Imi este frica ca oamenii vor profita de el.
Profesorul sau de la scoala era de asemenea putin ingrijorat, cu siguranta sunt fericit pentru Kelvin dar nu cred ca este in regula ca o singura persoana sa poata castiga asa o suma mare de bani. Pare putin imoral cumva. Kelvin incepe sa se adapteze la noua lui viata. El acum isi permite sa isi vada echipa favorita de fotbal, Rangers, jucand la el acasa de fiecare data cand vrea. De fapt el planuieste sa isi cumpere o cutie exclusiva executiva la pretul de 30.000. El de asemenea a dat o suma mare de bani tatalui sau care a renuntat la munca din cauza unor boli. In orice caz , castigul de la loterie a adus si probleme. De cand a castigat banii, Kelvin a primit o gramada de scrisori si apeluri telefonice de la aspirante iubite. Acolo sunt zile cand imi doresc totul ar fi inapoi la normal, spune Kelvin. Cu siguranta imi place sa am bani dar lucrurile nu vor fi mai fi la fel.