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Seahorse ( Calut de mare )
Seahorse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes.
Their size is from 1,5 to 35 cm.They have a bent neck and their head looks simillar to horse's one.Seahorses can change colour very quickly and match any surroundings.
They are very poor swimmers.The top speed of a seahorse is 0.5 Miles per hour.
They can grow up to 6-8 inch in height.An adult eats 30-50 times a day,they eat small crustacea.Baby seahorses eat 3000 pieces of food per day !
Seahorses have excellent eyes and they are able to work indepednly on the both side of their head.That means they can look forwards and backwards in the same time !
ROMANA :Calul de mare este un nume dat la 54 specii mici de pesti marini.Marimea lor este de la 1,5 pana la 35 cm.Au un gat indoit si capul lor arata similar cu al unui cal.Calutii de mare isi poti schimba culoarea foarte rapid si sa se potriveasca cu mediul din jur.Sunt niste inotatori foarte slabi.Viteza maxima a unui calut de mare este 0,5 mile pe ora.Pot sa creasca pana la 6-8 inci in inaltime.Un adult mananca de 30-50 de ori si mananca mici crustacee.Calutii de mare bebelusi mananca 3000 de bucati de mancare pe zi !Calutii de mare au ochii excelenti si pot sa lucreze independent in ambele parti ale capului.Asta inseamna ca se pot uita in fata si in spate in acelasi timp !
Seahorse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes.
Their size is from 1,5 to 35 cm.They have a bent neck and their head looks simillar to horse's one.Seahorses can change colour very quickly and match any surroundings.
They are very poor swimmers.The top speed of a seahorse is 0.5 Miles per hour.
They can grow up to 6-8 inch in height.An adult eats 30-50 times a day,they eat small crustacea.Baby seahorses eat 3000 pieces of food per day !
Seahorses have excellent eyes and they are able to work indepednly on the both side of their head.That means they can look forwards and backwards in the same time !
ROMANA :Calul de mare este un nume dat la 54 specii mici de pesti marini.Marimea lor este de la 1,5 pana la 35 cm.Au un gat indoit si capul lor arata similar cu al unui cal.Calutii de mare isi poti schimba culoarea foarte rapid si sa se potriveasca cu mediul din jur.Sunt niste inotatori foarte slabi.Viteza maxima a unui calut de mare este 0,5 mile pe ora.Pot sa creasca pana la 6-8 inci in inaltime.Un adult mananca de 30-50 de ori si mananca mici crustacee.Calutii de mare bebelusi mananca 3000 de bucati de mancare pe zi !Calutii de mare au ochii excelenti si pot sa lucreze independent in ambele parti ale capului.Asta inseamna ca se pot uita in fata si in spate in acelasi timp !