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De Pasti

Pastele l-am sarbatorit impreuna cu familia mea. Am fost sa imi vizitez nasii. Impreuna cu ei am ciocnit oua,am mancat apoi am mai discutat cu ei fiindca nu i-am mai vazut de mult timp. Urmatoarea zi am mers sa o vizitez pe bunica mea impreuna cu parintii si matusa mea. Am vorbit cu bunica si matusa mea apoi am ciocnit si cu ele oua rosii. Dupa aceea matusa ne-a servit cu friptura,pasca,drob si prajituri. Am facut si cateva poze ca sa ne ramana amintire. M-am simtit foarte bine. De Noaptea Invierii am mers cu mama mea la biserica sa luam Lumina. Am stat si am ascultat toata slujba apoi ne-am dus cu totii sa luam Lumina. Dupa aceea m-am intors acasa cu un gand bun si un sentiment curat.

Răspuns :

Easter. (titlul). I celebrated Easter with my family . I was to visit my godparents have collided whit them. Împreună eggs , ate and them we talked whit them because . I have not seen in a. long time . The next day I went to visit my grandmother with my parents and my parents and my aunt . I talked to my grandmother and my aunt and then collided with them after that red eggs aunit server us roast feed tripe and cakes . We He made some shots that we remain a memeory . I felt very well . In the resurrction night I went wintmy mother to church to take light .I sat and listend to all the service then we we went all take light . Thean l returned home with a good thought and a fresh feeling