Put these words in the correct order and make sentences.
Puneți cuvintele în ordinea corectă și faceți enunțuri.
1. were you where born
2. nationality what are you
- What nationality are you?
- Care e naționalitatea ta?
3. tell your could what is you me name
- Could you tell me what your name is?
- Ai putea să-mi spui cum te numești?
4. repeat could you that please
- Could you repeat that please?
- Ai putea, te rog, să repeți asta?
5. would mind you more slowly speaking please
- Would you mind speaking more slowly please?
- N-ai vrea să vorbești mai rar, te rog?
6. you wonder I If could means me what tell 'spare-time'
- I wonder if you could tell me what "spare-time" means.
- Mă întreb dacă mi-ai putea spune ce înseamnă „timp liber”.