It was the 31st of October and I wanted to spend some time with my friends, dressing up as scary characters . We had no idea of what we could do , so we decided to do something spooky . We went to a "haunted house" that we saw in our city , and we dared each other to spend the night inside it . We all agreed that the first one that goes out was the loser. So we went into the house and chose where we wanted to stay .
After one hour , I heard a clock in the house , and realized it was midnight . I was hungry , so I reached for my bag to get the food . But , when I put my hand inside the bag , a bat came out and started flying accross the room . I was so terrified that I ran out of the house , but I saw everybody else outside . Looks like I was the winner , and the others got scared.
It was the scariest experience of my life !