It was a beautiful Friday, I was at my grandparents' house. I was playing football with my friends when Alex suddenly hit the ball over the fence. I went into the woods to find the ball and saw a UFO. It's a huge globe of purple light. I was curious so I went there. As I approached, I realized it was a party. His globe was a disco ball. I was amazed. I will never forget this incident.
Era o zi frumoasa de vineri, eram la bunicii mei. Ma jucam cu prietenii mei fotbal, cand dintr-o data Alex a dat mingea peste gard. Am mers in padure pentru a găsi mingea si am văzut un UFO. Este un glob imens de lumina violet. Am fost curios asa ca am mers acolo. Cand m-am apropiat mi am dat seama ca este o petrecere. I-ar globul era o minge disco. M-am simțit uluit. Nu voi uita niciodată această întâmplare.