
Puteti sami traduceti urmatorul text:'Look!' Said Mr.Wonka.'There goes Augustus Gloop ! He's much thinner now ! And that's Violet Beauregarde.They managed to de-juice her after all! She looks much healthier ... although still purple in the face! There's nothing we can do about that!'Look at poor Veruca Salt and her parents! They're simply covered with garbage !' 'And here comes Mike Teavee!'said Grandpa Joe.'Good heavens! He's about ten feet tall!'They stretched him too much on the gumm stretched machine.He's lucky.Every basketball team in the country will be trying to get him.

Răspuns :

"Priviti" zise dl. Wonka. "Acolo merge Augustus Gloop! e mult mai slab acum! Si aceea e Violet Beauregarde. Au reusit sa o de-suculeze in cele din urma! Pare mult mai sanatoasa... cu toate ca fata ii e inca rosie! Nu putem face nimic in legatura cu asta! Priviti la saraca Veruca Salt si la parintii ei. Sunt acoperiti cu gunoi pur si simplu!" "Si iata-l pe Mike Teavee" zise Bunelul Joe. "Doamne! Are 3* metri inaltime" "L-au lungit prea mult pe masina de lungima guma. Are noroc. Fiecare echipa de footbal din tara va incerca sa-l aiba".

*NOTA: 10 feet = 304,8 cm = 3 m