a fost răspuns

Next week you are going to organise a Christmas party at home. Write a letter to a friend, telling him/her about the party, inviting him/her and letting him/her know about the arrangements you have already made. Write the letter in 100-125 words.

Răspuns :



Hi Anca, I'm thinking of giving a Christmas party, and I want to invite you. We will eat traditional food and listen to Romanian carols. I have a freshly cut fir from the forest, full of lights. I look forward to meeting you, I also invited Gabi, Cristian and Marian. On that holy day we will watch a movie with Jesus Christ. We're going to make a giant snowman and fight snowballs. I filled the house with some very nice decorations and I didn't forget to clean. I look forward to seeing you at my party.


Buna Anca , m-am gandit sa dau o petrecere de craciun, si vreau sa te invit. Vom manca mancaruri tradiționale si vom asculta colinde românești. Am un brad proaspat taiat din padure , plin cu luminite. Astept cu nerăbdare să ne intalnim, i-am invitat si pe Gabi , Cristian si Marian. In acea zi sfanta ne vom uita la un film cu Iisus Hristos. Vom face un om de zăpadă gigantic si ne vom bate cu bulgari de zăpadă. Am umplut casa cu niste decorațiuni foarte frumoase si nu am uitat sa fac curățenie. Te astept cu drag la petrecerea mea.