
Scrisoare către un prieten de peste hotare care vine in Moldova. ( Trebuie săi povești ce locuri veți vizita în Republica Moldova 70 cuvinte în total ).

Răspuns :

Data trebuie sa fie pusa in colțul din dreapta al paginii , Ex: the 30th of May 2022
Dear Jack,
I’m very excited for your arrival in Moldova next week. Since you’ve never been here I’ve thought that I could show you some places.
I think you will really like the city of Chișinău, the capital of the country. It’s a very beautiful city with a lot of history behind it . We could visit (spune un loc din chișinău,ex:parc sau muzeu) , and after that we can go to the mall and watch a movie.
I can’t wait to see you and i’m sure you will enjoy your stay.

See you soon,