
Once upon a time there was a young boy who lived in the jungle. His name was Jan. Every day he went down to their river to catch fish and swim in the clear blue water. One day he came and sat on the river bank. A beautiful girl suddenly appeared out of the water. She had long dark hair and beautiful eyes. Jan jumped up. "Who are you?" he asked. "Janaina", she answered simply. They talked and talked. Jan did not notice that it began to get dark. Suddenly Janaina said. " I must go now". "Oh, please, don't" Jan cried "I'll come back tomorrow". Janaina jumped back into the water. It was only then that Jan noticed her tail.

answer the following questions.
1. Where did Jan live?
2. What did he do?
3. Who appeared out of the water?
4. How was Janaina”s hair?
5. When did Janaina jump into the water?
6. Was Janaina an ordinary girl or a mermaid?