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Soon after her marriage , the Princess realized how demanding her new role was But she found this challenging . However , as time went by , the media were everywhere . Princess Diana was on the front page of every newspaper . As a Princess she found herself becoming more and more involved with people in need , the very sick and those rejected by society . And then William , her first soon , was born, soon followed by harry . She was very happy to be a mother but, under pressure from the media and with little support from a busy husband , the princess became depressed . Her depression let to bulimia , an eating disorder

Răspuns :

Curand dupa casatorie, printesa si-a dat seama cat de complicat e noul ei rol, dar l-a gasit incitant. Totusi, pe masura ce trecea timpul, media era peste tot. Printesa Diana era pe coperta fiecarui ziar. Ca printesa, s-a trezit din ce in ce mai antrenata in situatia nevoiasilor, a celor bolnavi si a celor respinsi de societate. Apoi s-a nascut William, primul ei fiu, si curand a urmat si Harry. Era foarte fericita sa fie mama, dar sub presiunea media si cu o sustinere prea mica din partea unui sot ocupat, printesa a devenit deprimata. Depresia ei a dus-o la bulimie, o dereglare digestiva.