One upon a time there lived a lonely old carpe One day he used come wood, a ball and a string to make a lay came and cast a spell that made the pupper moming. Geppetto was very happy to discover the named him Pinocchio. Geppetto gave Pinocchio all of him into town to buy books for school But Pinocchio wasn't Instead of buying books, he used the money to buy a tip There he met two clowns who gave Pinocchio a hat and asked but he said he must go back to Geppetto The clowns returned Pinocchio's money but somethi happened on the way home. He was robbed by an evil cat and appeared again. When she asked what happened, instead of the he pretended he had been captured by a monster. All of a sudden gre and the fairy said: "Whenever you lie, your nose will get bigger End Geppetto, he's out looking for you by the sea." Pinocchio was rowing a small boat in the sea when he thought he he Geppetto's voice coming from inside a large dark cave. He went in only find himself inside a whale with Geppetto. He tickled the whale with a feather and the whale sneezed, sending Pinocchio and Geppetto flying out onto the beach. Relieved, Pinocchio promised never to lie again and then he heard he fairy s voice saying, "Make that promise and you will become a real boy. (adapted from