
IV. Translate into English:
1. Ce faceai pe malul râului azi-dimineața la ora 6?
- Pescuiam.
2. Cortina se ridica în momentul in care dirijorul leşina.
3. Autobuzul a pornit brusc în timp ce femeia se urca în el.
4. Pentru ca ploua, copii se jucau în casa.
5. Cine era fata aceea cu care dansai când am intrat eu?
6. Cum ți-ai rupt piciorul?-Am cazut de pe scară când vopseam tavanul.
7. Nu mi-a placut cainele lor. Aducea mereu noroi în apartamentul nostru.
8. Munca era perfect organizata. Când barbații taiau lemnul, femeile strângeau frunze.
9. Am plecat mai devreme, pentru că a doua zi urma så zburám la Detroit.
10. De câte ori l-am întâlnit, purta (mereu) o umbrela.
11. Speram o marire de salariu, dar şeful a refuzat.
12. Toby şi-a pierdut pe undeva ceasul, pe când patina în parc pe patine cu rotile.
13. Dolly a spart doua farfurii când a spálat vasele azi dupa cina.
14. Când am venit la ea, era rezemată de perete şi plângea.
15. Cenuşareasa avea mult de lueru. Daca nu freca podelele, cârpea rochiile surorilor ei vitrege.
16. Matuşa îmi spunea întotdeauna så fac lueruri pe care eu nu vroiam så le fac.
17. Cum feribotul se scufunda cu repeziciune, am sårit în barca de salvare.
18. Când îi explicam această problemå, el se gândea la altceva.
19. Baieții au batut mingea toata ziua, până când au spart fereastra.
20. La întrunirea de ieri, au luat în considerare toate argumentele pro şi contra, dar n-au luat nici o decizie.​

Răspuns :


What were you doing on the river bank this morning at 6 o'clock?

- I was fishing.

2. The curtain rises as the conductor faints.

3. The bus started abruptly as the woman got on it.

4. Because it was raining, the children were playing in the house.

5. Who was that girl you danced with when I walked in?

6. How did you break your leg? - I fell off the stairs when I was painting the ceiling.

7. I didn't like their dog. He always brought mud to our apartment.

8. The work was perfectly organized. When the men cut the wood, the women gathered leaves.

9. We left early because we were going to fly to Detroit the next day.

10. Whenever I met him, he (always) wore an umbrella.

11. I was hoping for a raise, but the boss refused.

12. Toby lost his watch somewhere while skating in the park on roller skates.

13. Dolly broke two plates when she washed the dishes today after dinner.

14. When I came to her, she was leaning against the wall, weeping.

15. Cinderella had a lot of money. If she didn't rub the floors, she would rag her step-sister's dresses.

16. My aunt always told me to do things I didn't want to do.

17. As the ferry sank quickly, I jumped into the lifeboat.

18. When I explained this to him, he was thinking of something else.

19. The boys beat the ball all day until they broke the window.

20. At yesterday's meeting, they considered all the pros and cons, but made no decision.