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Impressions of the film Matilda
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romana :pe mine m-a impresionat în filmul Matilda , urmatoarele lucruri : la 1 an si 5 luni vorbea perfect . La 4 ani citise toate cartile pentru copii din bibloteca , și cateva romane . La 5 ani jumatate a mers la scoala pentru prima dată . Și pentru ca era prea destepta pentru clasa 1 , invatatoarea ei a vrut sa o mute intr-o clasa mai avansata , da4 ditectoarea nu o lasă .

Engleza : I was impressed in the film Matilda, the following things: at 1 year and 5 months she spoke perfectly. At the age of 4, he had read all the children's books in the library, and some novels. At the age of 5 and a half, he went to school for the first time. And because she was too smart for class 1, her teacher wanted to move her to a more advanced class, but the teacher wouldn't let her.