1. the train arrives at 9 at night. (p.s)
2.Giovanni is coming to spend the weekend with us. (p.c)
3.what time do you go to the doctor's on Wednesday? (p.s)
4.what time is the film starting? (p.c)
5. is the concert beginning at 7 or 8? (p.c)
6. we have a dinner party on Friday and you're invited. (p.s )
7. most shops in Spain are open until 10 am. (I think it's p.s)
8.what time is the corner shop shutting? (p.c)
9. where are you staying in Bangkok? (p.c)
10.my tai chi classes are starting next week. (p.c)
11. our flight lands in London at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. (p.s)
12. everything's arranged. we move house this Saturday. (p.s)
13.we are meeting Llilith's Café this afternoon at four. (p.c)
14.I'm sorry. we can't meet up this weekend. we are going tu Wales. (p.c)
15.our ferry departs for Ibiza at 6 tomorrow. (p.s)
p.c = present continuous
p.s = present simple
I think I helped you! good bye and have a great day!!! <3