
Traduceti asta in endleza,,Robinson Crusoe este un roman scris de Daniel Defoe, publicat pentru prima dată în 1719 și este adesea considerat primul roman scris vreodată în limba engleză. Cartea este o autobiografie de ficțiune a presupusului autor, al cărui nume este omonim cu cel al titlului romanului, descriind supraviețuirea și viața acestuia după naufragierea sa pe o insulă tropicală din largul coastei Venezuelei de astăzi, timp în care întâlnește locuitori nativi ai Americii, captivi și marinari răsculați, înainte de a fi salvat. Modul de prezentare al acestui roman se bazează pe prezentarea amănunțită, aproape documentară a vieții personajului, prezentând narațiunea pe baza unor "documente false", care conferă narațiunii un aspect real.''​

Răspuns :


Robinson Crusoe is a novel Written by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719 and is often considered the first novel ever written in english. The book is a fictional autobiography of The alleged author whose name is The same asThe title of The novel , describing his survival and life after his shipwreck on a tropical island off The coast of today's Venezuela, during which he meets Native Americans, captives and riotous sailors before being rescued. The way this novel is presented is based on The deitaled, almost documentary presentation of The character's life , preseting the narrative on The basis of ,,false documents", which give The narrative a real look.

Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe, published for the first time in 1719 and is often considered the first novel ever written in english. The book is an autobiography of fiction about the alleged author, who's name is the same name with the title of the novel, describing the survival and the life of his after his shipwreck on a tropical island in the offshore of the Venezuela coast of today, while metting native residents of America, revolted captives and sailors, before he was saved. The presentation mode of this novel is based off the detailed presentation, almost documented of the life of the character, presenting the narrative based off some "false documents", wich give the narration a real aspect.

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