
READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the paragraph and accomplish the tasks that follow. A good thing to do with your friends is to go out for a walk on a sunny day. You could try the local woods, which are not at all crowded, even in the summer. You'd be amazed at the variety of birds and animals you can find there. I think it's good to be interested in exploring and discovering things. You need to be careful not to eat any plants you don't recognize . Some of them are poisonous and will make One of my favorite memories is of an afternoon I spent with Jimmy and Ollie, sitting by a pond just looking for a long time at the water. We all jumped in and Jimmy made the largest noise when he hit the water. Always take your rubbish with you. You don't want to leave the area full of bits of paper and plastic. Tins and plastic can be extremely dangerous things for animals as they might try and eat them, or they might cut their feet on them. you ill. 1. Answer the questions. a. What can you find in the woods? b. What is the author's favorite memory? 10​