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7 Project time! BE ECO-FRIENDLYI You will work in groups of four on a project that will be great funt imagine you work as environmentalists people who are interested in the environment and who are trying to protect it from being damaged problem in the area where you live, and it will suggest two solutions to the problem, brotuman activities). You will enter a poster in a competition. The poster will present an environmental You will: - think about different environmental problems - present the poster, and place them in the correct category: • answer questions about your poster, • find solutions to protect the environment and • ask questions about the information on the Save the planet other posters - make a poster for a competition presenting an environmental problem in your area and suggesting two solutions to it es PLAST ORGASM GLASS Warm-up 1 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions: 1 What are, in your opinion, the most important environmental problems the world is facing today? 2 Think of six environmental problems in the area where you live. 3 Can you think of solutions to these problems? Name actions you could take that are good for the environment 4 Think of objects that can be reused or recycled. Put them in the correct category above. 5 Do you know any environmental organisations? Search for information on the Internet and discuss with your teacher and classmates. 2 With your teacher and classmates, brainstorm environmental problems that are present around the world, in your country and in your local area. Use the categories and prompts below. household city country planet pollution radiation toxic waste detergents litter fumes acid rain global warming endangered species death of the forests 152 one hundred and fifty-two​