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Efforts to improve the standard of living forhumans--through the control of nature and the development of new products--have also resulted in the pollution, or contamination, of theenvironment. Much of the world's air, water, and land is now partially poisoned by chemical wastes. Some places have become uninhabitable. This pollution exposes people all around the globe to new riss from disease.Many species of plants and animals have become endangered or are nowextinct. !s a result of these developments, governments have passed laws tolimit or reverse the threat of environmental pollution.!ll living things exert some pressure on the environment. "redatoryanimals, for example, reduce the population of their prey, and animal herdsmay trample vast stretches of prairie or tundra. The weather could be said tocause pollution when a hurricane deposits tons of silt from flooded riversinto an estuary or bay. These are temporary dislocations that nature balancesand accommodates to. Modern economic development, however, sometimesdisrupts nature's delicate balance. The extent of environmental pollutioncaused by humans is already so great that some scientists #uestion whetherthe Earth can continue to support life unless immediate corrective action istaen.
Ecology and Environmental Deterioration
The branch of science that deals with how living things, including humans,are related to their surroundings is called ecology $
Ecology%. The Earthsupports some & million species of plants, animals, and microorganisms.These interact and influence their surroundings, forming a vast networ ofinterrelated environmental systems called ecosystems. The arctic tundra isan ecosystem and so is a ra(ilian rain forest. The islands of )awaii are arelatively isolated ecosystem. *f left undisturbed, natural environmentalsystems tend to achieve balance or stability among the various species of plants and animals. +omplex ecosystems are able to compensate for changescaused by weather or intrusions from migrating animals and are thereforeusually said to be more stable than simple ecosystems. ! field of corn hasonly one dominant species, the corn plant, and is a very simple ecosystem. *tis easily destroyed by drought, insects, disease, or overuse. ! forest mayremain relatively unchanged by weather that would destroy a nearby field ofcorn, because the forest is characteri(ed by greater diversity of plants andanimals. *ts complexity gives it stability.Every environmental system has a carrying capacity for an optimum, ormost desirable, population of any particular species within it. Sudd