
1 Read the article and choose the correct answer. Local Hero 1 2 6 Fifteen-year-old Harry Smith from Torquay is our Local Hero for this month. Harry is still at school and ° (has to doesn't have to study hard for exams this year, but he also had to / has to help in his family's hotel in Torquay. Harry's mum is ill at the moment and she has to / have to stay in hospital, so Harry 3 doesn't have to / has to help his dad in their small hotel. Our reporter, Mary Philips asked Harry about his typical day. Mary Harry, what do you 4 must / have to do before you go to school every morning? Harry Well, I 5 must / have to get up at 5:00 am and make breakfast for the guests in the hotel. Then I have to / has to tidy their rooms and make the beds. I mustn't/ don't have to do the vacuuming every day, because my dad does it. I just 8 have to / must load the washing machine. Mary Do you like working in the hotel? Harry Yes, I do! It's funny sometimes. For example, the hotel rules say guests 9 mustn't/ don't have to bring pets but last week a woman brought her rabbit with her! When I went to her room there was a rabbit on the bed! I 10 had to / have to catch it before I could make the bed! Mary Are you ever late for school? Harry At my school students " must / had to arrive by a quarter to nine. Sometimes I'm a bit late but my teachers know I 12 must / have to do a lot of things to do before school, so they understand. repedeeeeeeee​

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а ты в каком классе в университете работаешь в университете и в каких банках будешь заниматься и как будет развиваться в сфере работы с сайтом в этом случае я не знаю что это такое возможно с вашей помощью в этом письме или на мой адрес или в другой город станет вашим близким другом или просто с кем нибудь в другой стране или на улице или на машине в районе метро