Răspuns :
Fill in the gaps using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives given. Write in your notebook.
A: Did you enjoy your holiday to London?
B: Yes, it was the the best holiday ever!
A: I want to go to Barbados this summer.
B: You must, it's got the most beautiful beaches in the world.
A: What's the weather like?
B: It's worse than yesterday!
A: What do you think of Singapore?
B: It's a lot smaller than I imagined.
A: Are you flying to Scotland?
B: No it's much cheaper to drive.
Pentru adjectivele monosilabice (care se pronunţă printr-o singură silabă - ex. "strong") şi pentru adjectivele disilabice (2 silabe - ex. easy) care au ca terminaţie y, er, ow, le, gradele de comparaţie se formează după cum urmează:
- positive (strong / easy)
- comparative (stronger than / easier than)
- superlative (the strongest / the easiest)
Pentru adjectivele plurisilabice, gradele de comparaţie se formează după cum urmează:
- positive (difficult)
- comparative (more difficult than)
- superlative (the most difficult)
Pentru adjectivele cu grade de comparaţie neregulate, e util de verificat dicţionarele; iată câteva exemple:
- good - better - the best
- bad - worse - the worst
- little - less - the least