
Faceti un eseu Cu titlul:different but equal de 15 20 de randuri Sa contina cuvintel: inconlusion, respect, different, tolerant, diversity(eseul sa fie in engleza) Va rog ajutor, trb sa l fac pana la 12.

Răspuns :

Different but equal

We are all equal, and just because we are as different from everyone else as everyone is different from us, we are all an equal community. There is a diversity of people on this Earth. Different skin colors, different races, different religions, different traditions.
We must be tolerant of others. Even if we don’t like something they do, even if we don’t like what they do, we must not judge them. Someone might like a food you hate; someone might hate a song you love; it doesn’t give you any reason to treat them differently.
In conclusion, I think everyone is the same, and i stand by my point because there is still so much hatred and racism going around, it breaks my heart. No one deserves to be invalidated just because of an opinion.
(scz nu știu ce “inconlusion” e, deci nu l-am folosit)