a fost răspuns

This is the place where the president of the U.S.A lives and works. It iis painted every year and has got a beautiful lawn in front of it.

This is the house where Shakespeare was born in 1564 and spent his early years. Now it is a memorial house and is visited by people from all over the world.

This is the place where the Queen or King of England lives. Many tourists come here to see the Changing of the Guard at 11:30 every morning.

This city has a 13th century University where many famous people have studied over the years. It has 35 colleges.

This is one of the woeld's most famous buildings. It has 102 floors and it houses the world's most famous observatory platforms.

Răspuns :

Aici este locul in care presedintele USA traieste si lucreaza. Aceasta institutie este zugravita in fiecare an si are un gazon frumos.

Este casa in care Shakespeare s- a nascut in 1564 si si-a petrecut primi ani.Acum este o casa memoriala si este vizitata de oameni din intreaga lume.

Aici este locul  in care locuiesc regina sau regele angliei. Multi turisti vin aici pentru a vedea schimbarea garzi in fiecare zi la 11:30.

Acest oras are o universitate din secolul l 13-lea unde multi oameni faimosi au studiat.Are 35 de colegii.

este una dintre cele mai faimoase cladiri.Are 102 etaje si adaposteste faimoase platforme ale lumi. cel mai cunoscut fiind observatorul