Răspuns :
In romana :
Cascada niagara
Este vara,impreuna cu scoala am participat la un proiect despre natura si ne amd ecis sa plecam intr o vacanta pentru a vizita cunoscuta "Niagara".
Ajunsi acolo am observat apa nelinistita a Cascadei Niagara si cerul care are multi nori suri pe el.
Un stol de pelicani zboara pe deasupra apei,se invart in cercuri si parca fsc un dans artistic.
Unul s-a asezat pe o piatra de pe insula Caprelor,pe care apa lacurilor Ernie si Ontario i inconjura. Pelicanul are niste pene albe ca si spuma laptelui,un cioc ascutit si este destul de mare.
Eu impreuna cu colegii mei am ajuns pe puntea barcii " The Maid Of The Mist" care navigheaza pe sub caderea de apa a cascadei Horseshoe si inapoi la locul de plecare.
Barca are doua etaje pe care impreuna cu colega mea am hotarat sa le vizitam. Aceasta barca nu este foarte moderna dar este foarte rezistenta. Ajunsi la Cascada Niagara am observat o priveliste foarte frumoasa, apa cristalina lasa pestii sa fie admirati, in final am hitarat ca este timpul de plecare. Mi-a placut foarte mult Cascada Niagara si sper sa o mai vizitez.
In Engleza :
Niagara Falls
It's summer, together with the school we participated in a project about nature and we decided to go on a vacation to visit the famous "Niagara". Once there, I noticed the restless water of Niagara Falls and the sky with many bright clouds on it. A flock of pelicans flies over the water, spins in circles and looks like an artistic dance. One sat on a rock on Goat Island, surrounded by the waters of Lakes Ernie and Ontario. The pelican has white feathers like milk foam, a sharp beak and is quite large. My colleagues and I arrived on the deck of the boat "The Maid Of The Mist" sailing under the waterfall of Horseshoe Falls and back to the starting point. The boat has two floors that my colleague and I decided to visit. This boat is not very modern but it is very durable. Arriving at Niagara Falls I noticed a very beautiful view, the crystal clear water lets the fish be admired, finally I hit it is time to leave. I really liked Niagara Falls and I hope you visit it again.
Nu ma pricep la compuneri dar sper ca te am ajutat!