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It can be very tiring and the hours  are very long because some people don't leave until two or three in the morning.People think it's an exciting job,but it's not really,just hard work.I usually get to the studio at about ten in the morning,and open the mail,make a few phone calls,plan my wprk for the next few months.Then you have to get some sleep and be ready to start again at about half past eleven the next morning.Then my assistant arrives and he starts getting the equpment ready for the session which usually begins at about eleven o'clock.Some of the customers can be really difficult,complaining about everything,but usually they're only showing off to their friends.The most interesting ones are the fashion shoots,but the ones I do most often  are what are known as pack shots,where I take photos of objects.For example,it could be an advertising campaign for a brand of soap powder or maybe a new car.For example,we had man here who sent back three bottles of wine,saying that they were no good.The manager had to tell him the wine was fine,which I enjoy.We don't get paid very much and people can be very mean with their tips.But on a good night it can be good fun.

Răspuns :

Poate fi foarte obositor iar orele foarte lungi deoarece unii pleaca doar la orele trei sau patru dimineata. Unii cred ca este o slujba interesanta, dar nu e chiar asa, e doar o munca grea. De obicei ajung la munca pe la ora zece, imi deschid scrisorile, dau cateva telefoane, imi programez munca pe urmatoarele luni, Apoi trebuie sa dormi putin ca sa fi pregatit pentru a incepe din nou pe la zece si jumatate in dimineata urmatoare. Apoi vine asistentul meu si incepe sa pregateasca echipamentul pentru sedinta care de obicei incepe pe la ora unsprezece.

Unii dintre clienti pot fi dificili, plangandu-se pentru orice, dar de obicei fac spectacolul doar in fata prietenilor lor. Cele mai interesante sunt fotografiile de moda, dar cele le pare le fac cel mai des sunt fotografiile grupate, unde fotografiez obiecte. De exemplu, as putea realiza o reclama pentru un brand de sapun pudra sau poate la o masina noua. De exemplu, avem aici o persoana care a trimis inapoi trei sticle de vin, spunand ca nu au fost bune. Managerul a fost nevoit sa-i spuna ca vinul a fost bun, ceea ce mi-a placut. Nu suntem platiti foarte mult, iar oamenii sunt destul de rai in ceea ce priveste bacsisul. Dar intr-o noapte buna nu poate fi destula distractie.