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Trebuie sa fac un eseu de 140 -160 de cuvinte in care sa spun de ce este bine sa stai doar o ora pe telefon si in celalt timp ramas sa il fructific

Trebuie Sa Fac Un Eseu De 140 160 De Cuvinte In Care Sa Spun De Ce Este Bine Sa Stai Doar O Ora Pe Telefon Si In Celalt Timp Ramas Sa Il Fructific Ajutor class=

Răspuns :


După cum bine știm telefonul mobil ne facem sa pierdem noțiunea timpului și de multe ori este ca un fel de drog care crează dependenta ,timpul pe care noi ni-l petrecem stând pe telefon este de multe ori exagerat ,mai ales în rândul copiilor. In timpul acela am putea citi o carte sau am putea ieșii afara pentru a ne juca însă noi preferam sa îl petrecem cu ochii într-un ecran .


Scuze ,nu am putut să-l fac atât de lung insa sper sa te ajute :)


PS: nu știu sigur dacă voi reuși respect numărul de cuvinte, așa dacă îmi ies mai multe poți mai scurtezi din eseu.


Why it is important to make the most of your time.

It is well known that a few years ago, people and children did not have electronic devices to spend much of their time, so they could manage their time in a way that would allow them to do more activities.

Nowadays, on the other hand, people spend much more time on electronic devices such as phones, tablets, computers, or televisions, making it impossible to manage time for other activities.

A lot of people who spend their free time on the phone can ignore the needs of the family, those of their own person and can even become dependent on these devices which, unfortunately, are used daily by the entire global population.

People should learn how to manage their time in such a way that they can carry out other activities outside of the hours spent continuously in front of the screens of electronic devices.

Such a management of free time can consist in the simple change of one's daily schedule. Even a simple decrease in the hours spent in front of the computer / phone can lead to a greater order in the daily schedule that each of us follows and can even lead to a decrease in dependence on these devices.

People should think more about family health and their own health (mental and physical) and should spend more time doing constructive work that can even benefit their own personality.

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