
tradu in romana: All about hippos Wild hippopotamuses live in central Africa. They're big and fat. They have small eyes, small ears and short legs. They also have very big teeth! Adult hippos are usually three to four metres long, and they can run very fast! The hippo in the photo is sleeping in the water. Hippos often sleep in water during the day because the water is cool. Hippos usually come out of the water at night and eat. They only eat plants. They can eat up to 40 kg of grass in one night, and they can travel up to 10 km to find food. Hippos can be very dangerous. Every year they kill hundreds of people!​

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Traducere: Totul despre hipopotami.

Hipopotamii salbatici traiesc in Africa centrala. Ei sunt mari si graşi. Ei au ochi mici,urechi mici si picioare scurte. De asemenea,ei au si dinti foarte mari! Hipopotamii adulti au de obicei 3-4 metri,iar acestia pot alerga foarte repede. Hipopotamul din poza doarme in apa. Hipopotamii adesea dorm in apa pe timpul zilei deoarece apa este la temperatura potrivita. Hipopotamii ies de obicei noaptea din apa si mananca. Ei mananca doar plante. Ei pot manca pana la 40 de kg de iarba intr-o noapte,iar ei pot calatori pana la 10 km pentru a gasi mancare. Hipopotamii pot fi si foarte periculosi. Anual,ei omoara sute de oameni!

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