
Ofer coroană.
Am nevoie de cate un enunț pentru fiecare expresie:
-a flash of lightning
-a slice of cake
- a lump of coal
-a tube of toothpastep
- a shower of rain
- a bar of soap
-a loaf of bread
-a sheet of paper​

Răspuns :


1.There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes.

2.I know he wanted a bigger slice of cake.

3.A lump of coal is a punishment for children.

4.It was like squeezing a tube of toothpaste.

5.Our weather today is very windy with the odd shower of rain.

6.Apply a liquid or clean bar of soap and rub your hands together.

7.I bought a loaf of bread.

8. I wrote the directions on a sheet of paper



A flash of lighting blinded me for a second .

O rază de lumină m-a orbit pentru o secunda .

Everyone received a slice of cake at Maia's birthday.

Toată lumea a primit o felie de prăjitură la aniversarea Maiei.

They have thrown the last lump of coal in the fire .

Ei au aruncat ultima bucata de cărbune în foc

She will buy a tube of toothpaste from the nearby shop.

Ea o să cumpere un tub de pasta de dinți de la magazinul din apropiere .

We got caught in a shower of rain on our evening stroll .

O scurtă ploaie ne-a prins în timpul plimbării noastre de seară.

The bar of soap slipped through my fingers .

Săpunul mi-a aluncat printre degete .

I bought a loaf of bread from the bakery .

Am cumpărat o franzela de pâine de la brutărie.

I asked for one more sheet of paper during my exam.

Am cerut încă o foaie în timpul examenului meu .