
cine îmi face și mie o traducere din rămână în engleza

Săptămâna trecută am fost la bunici mei.A fost minunat. Am jucat fotbal cu prietenii de pe acolo , am făcut multe activități frumoase. Vizavi de bunicii mei am văzut 2 băieți care se jucau cu mingea la poartă. Unul din băieți a început să țipe deoarece a căzut, atunci când a vrut să dea gol. Părinții lui s-au speriat grav. Ziua următoare băiatul era mai bine.

Răspuns :


Last week I went to my grandparents. It was wonderful. I played football with my friends there, I did a lot of nice activities. Opposite my grandparents I saw 2 boys playing ball at the goal. One of the boys started screaming because he fell when he wanted to score. His parents were terrified. The next day the boy was better.


Last week I went to my grandparents. It was wonderful. I played football with my friends there, I did a lot of nice activities. Opposite my grandparents I saw 2 boys playing ball at the goal. One of the boys started screaming because he fell when he wanted to score. His parents were terrified. The next day the boy was better.