a fost răspuns

Salut, am nevoie de un eseu pe tema "Unusual schools" (60-70 cuvinte) (Ceva original unde s-ar descrie o scoala neobisnuita)

Răspuns :

  • Salut!

Scuze daca am gresit la ceva sau nu este bun eseul, daca exista o problema te mai corectezi tu înainte sa scrii pe foaie.

Unusual schools

We all know that a school is a place where we go to study, and learn new things. Everybody is aware of that, but how would you imagine an Unusual school? A school that has diffrent rules than the usual ones, a school where we can do different things than we do in a normal school, a school that has absolutely diffrent types of learning.

In my eyes, i'd see an unusual school, a school that helps a lot their students in the craziest ways possible. And by that i mean comforting them wich could be: giving them better lunches and teach them the best, but in so many crazy ways that has absolutely nothing to do with harming the students but helping them learn in a fun way, wich isnt so usual for the other schools. Personally, i'd think first of all, that there would be

  • slides at the enter of the classroom wich makes it more fun to join it
  • swings in the classroom to have fun in breaks
  • teachers are supposed to teach us how to survive in life and do better
  • Math should'nt be included in the school
  • We celebrate diffrent holidays, such as thanks giving or anything else, in the classroom.
  • Friday is pjamas day, and everyone can come dressed in pjamas
  • We can bring our phones, but should be used in an educational way.
  • Everyone can have their hair dyed, have nails painted, wear makeup or eye contacts, whatever we prefer and any chlotes if our parents agree with it, But the teachers should'nt complain about it.

These are the main ideas for my favourite unusual school,

it would be really fun.

That was my opinion, lets hear yours too!