
Era sfarsitul scoli , eu cu mama , tata si sora mea planuiam sa mergem la mare. Vroiam sa mergem pe data de 15.07.2015 dar nu am gasit ghid turistic pentru aceea data , asa ca am plecat deabea pe data de 20.07.2015 . Am ajuns acolo , era foarte cald in luna iulie . Dupa ce am stat cam doua trei ore in aeroport am aflat ca bagajele s-au pierdut pe drum . Dar nu am intrat in panica si am ramas linistiti . Trebuia sa plecam cu ghidul turistic asa ca ne-am luat ce am avut cu noi si am plecat . Eram in plaja Mamaia , unde ghidul ne-a spus extrem de multe despre ea cum ar fi :
-Mamaia este o plaja mare , voi sunteti cazati la hotelul Vila Pontica .
La finaliul turului trebuia sa ne culcam dar am realizat ca nu avem haine si am spus sa facem o lista cu hainele ce trebuie cumparate .
Lista de cumparaturi
Costum de baie
Halat de baie
Prosoape....traduceti va rog

Răspuns :

It was the end of the school. Me,my mom,my dad and my sister planned to go to the beach. We wanted to go at the 15th but we haven't get a travel guide for that time,so we were going just at 20th. We arrived there. It was very hot in July season. After we stayed only a 3 hours in the airoport we found out the baggage was missed on the road. But we didn't panic,we stayed calm. We had to go with the travel guide so we took what we had and go. We were in Mamaia beach,were the travel guide told us so many about her,like:
-Mamaia is a big beach, you are accommodated at the Hotel Pontica House.
In the end of the tour we had to go to sleep but we realised that we hadn't clothes so we took a list with the clothes we have to buy.
Shopping list: 